Thursday, December 25, 2008
yeah l.i
pasal li..letih..tu jak bleh d cakap..1st day memang cam org gila.xda keja.tgk2 meja,tgk org keja..last2 brani kan dri..''Mr. chong..ada keja ka?"tunjuk rajin markah ujung mggu kat buku log dapat 4/5..ok la tu..hehe..oh ya l.i d damansara x sperti yang di sangka...xda gak sy tgk org kaya2 sni..huhu..smua sewa blik sni mahal..rm250..elaun 500 jak..baki 250 joli month pindah site..jom2 kita mhitamkan diri..kna buli la ni nanti..smua org kat site ofis bpangkat besar n yg paling best smua llaki..huhu..kna buli la ni nanti..
pa lgi nak tu jak la...pada kawan2 yang mrayakan hari Christmas..Merry Christmas n have a wonderful Christmas..
x lupa jugak Happy new year 2009 pada smua..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
last day d ump
lupakan hal toyol tu..nak crita plak ni kejayaan yg tlah d lakukan hr ni... akhirnya berjaya gak mhantar thesis kat fakulti..thanx to Aina sbb tlg ambik kat Sinaran kolej Shah Putra.thanx bbyk tuk Madam Shairul yg mlayan sy spanjang mbuat thesis tu..Mdm bg la markah tggi ye..hehe..
ni la Madam Shairul..Madam klo ada silap slah maafkn la ye..hrp mdm suka ngan dgn alat gantung tu..hehe..

nik yg byk sgt tlg tym sy susah..xkisah d bawa k la kwn dgn xkan mlupakan ko.keistimewaan dia ni,bwa krta lju..pastu byk pminat..gud looking la katakan..hehe..gamba d ambik dgn hp bru sy..gamba 1st lg tu..

ni plak gamba ngan yuyu..jiwang gurl ni..bjiwa d sabah tu jauh dgn bf dia..hehe..tabahkan la htimu yuyu demi sgulung ijazah..hehe..sblum dia blik km buat bday parti in advanced lg tu..yuyu..ko ingt ko bleh lari ka dgn tepung n tlur busuk?xmungkin bleh lari..haha..

ni plak gamba ngan zera yg prasan mmg kiut pun..suka tahi lalat dia kat muka..zera,bru skrg sy nk td dia mnakutkan sy psl thesis..sorg kakak yg bjiwa tabah n patut respect ko geng..

ni gamba dgn intan..pneman p klas rc..dia ni kiut..muka pun ada muka cina dia ni control ayu..pmbersih..btul..xcaya?dia la yg dpt anugerah control ayu gak kwn dgn dia ni..
ni plak gamba ngan yun n ni slah sorg artis d ump..pndai blakon.ada gamba dia blakon kawin tu tp dlm cd dh..huhu..zu ni plak alim..slalu sakit kpla..migran..kesian..zu pas nni susah la zu nk cri org pdai tarik rmbut zu...

ini lah km..smua tamat dgn jayanya..xsbar2 plak nak konvo..bleh jum lg..
last final paper
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
moment to remember with kosh..
mm..stiap pertemuan ada ppisahan..besa la tu ini paling sedih..3thun kenal kosh n kwn2 yg sma batch civil engineering(lupa batch kebrapa)huhu..kosh sy knal tym 1st year satu klas..budak2 swak smua 1 klas kcuali les...mula2 knal dia,dia ok..dr dlu smpai ke saat akhir sem 1 thn 4 sy jak jd jadual dia..bila dia masuk klas prestress mnglabah tu cri x sama klas tuk advanced hyraulics dia prestress..dia minat mm xminat lect yg ajr..huhu..
1st year..
kisah bermula tym 1st time cri klas d fakulti..kalut time tu..xtau spa yg akn satu klas..tgk nm kat fakulti ada nm khoshikin adenan..time tu km sm2 daftar masuk asrama lambt so tkenal pun dtangga c14..ingt lagi ka kosh?harap ko baca la..nti ko komen klo ada tkurang tau tlebih..then bila ada jak grup pair mesti km sgrup..ladan laleh versi lain..hehe..d mn ada sy situ la da kosh..bilik 1st c14 pun bseblah p klas pun sm2,mkn pun tapau sm,kdg2 mkn sma d kafe..dlu stiap kul 7.30ptg msti dh ada d kafe p mnapau..mula2 tuk x la rapat sgt tp skrg mm...smua rahsia negara sy dia tau..tnya jak dia msti dia tau tu..kisah kml dlu pun dia tau..kml dlu pun 1 aras time asrama tp xknal..snyum2 ada la..kisah menarik ptama time briged siswa d hutan n kosh sperti biasa 1 khemah, 1 grup..kan dh ckp mesti blakon dowh..haha..lawak gila..jd pompuan gatals..cis sapa buat dialog..(sy xmo mngaku buat dialog..hehe)..sprti besa geng swak n sabah msti lg tjadi tym 1st year ar..byk la yg penting..mnangis dpn kosh pun pernah..mngadu nasib..hehe..ko ingt tak kosh ko ada simpan benda tuk sy..ko lupa kasi blik..psl khidupan d kml dlu..ko bakar jak klo ko ada jump org berkenaan ko bg kat dia abu tu..hehe..jahatnya...
nanana..bunga cinta dgn gil pun bmula..kosh n yun jd saksi ptama kli dating dgn gil d bandar..waseh..nti sy akn jemput ko 2 dlu kalo km kwin..hehe..kosh plak ada bf..nm drahsiakan demi mjaga kepentingan pihak tertentu..hehe..tym ni subject smua susah2..kosh la jd lecturer no 2 dgn naser..baik oo dorg ni jd cigu x bbyr..dorg ajr mechanic of material..aiesh..mmg xbleh masuk sy subject ni..ka mayb sbb sy budak hayat susah nak fhm kot..smpai nangis d klas tu..lect pun stop mngajar takt ada org jd gila..mnangis ni tym 1st year la..pastu ada plak survey kem d taman jubli indera la..kmi tidur dlm khemah ramai tanpa sedar bju basah sbb kosh silap..sbb hujan la..marah ni kosh..basah bsama la kmi..penat dowh..hujan pun hujan la..peduli pa bju basah..byk lg ni kisah tp x tlis plak nanti thun2 brikutnya
2nd year
km ada junior dh thun dh pandai outing dh..tolak kreta kancil yg xda minyak pun km crita 1st year ni..apasal plak msuk 2nd year punya crita..xpa la..tulis jak..2nd year km ada trekking p usual..khemah msti la sm..mandi2..bkayak..flying fox..panjat turun dinding tu pun sma2..huhu..nak kata km kembar bukan..tu la erti shabat..suka duka bsama..thn ni ada gak subjek fail oo..huhu.jhtnya lect tu bg markah..buat final pun cm x bkn sorg la fail ada 18org..byk blajar bahasa cina ni..mandarin..kosh terer tu sbb dia kedayan mix pa lg kosh jd tutor km..hebat gak ko ar..tym ni byk kita x sklas ambik subjek advance tu..huhu..xpa.bukan phalang tuk bsama..pastu computer boringnya kan 1 subjek jak..smua budak awam wajib lg main game jak la kita..pastu jogg petang..konon mo kurus tp..pas jogg mkn..hehe..sperti besa la tu..
3rd year..
ada subjek english for jd laki..sbb free hair..kosh jd bini..ambik ko..lakonan mantap dri artis ada bakat..mmg bbakat pun buat lawak..ketawa jak org bleh tarik perhatian org la kan.ank c yun la..muka baik tp jahat rupanya silap..bkn jahat xpandai..time speaking sorg tu..(pblic speaking memang lawak..).smpai nathan x bleh mlupakan kosh ckp durian dlm klas..aigoh geng..slang pun orang putih sbut durian mn tak org ktawa..byk la ksah sebenarnya..x ttulis plak..3rd year best skali..masih lg mood honeymoon dlm study..bila masuk 2sem3rd year mula la byk keja..ada psm n mjalani khidupan yg sm..kisah2 lucu tu besa jd penyeri hidup..
4th year
kosh la yg slalu buat lwak..tu la dia dpt anugerah palng plak skema jadi jadual dia dri 1st year smpai 4th year..dia tu mn penah salin jadual..pastu p klas msti awal 10min...huhu..ada gak la km ponteng..klo kosh ponteng sy pun ponteng..kadang2 kosh xikt sy ponteng..dia baik skit klo bab mmontengkan dri ni..hehe..psm pun bz psm x la steruk BSM x sgrup ni time ni tp sgrup tajuk lagi copy paste ant satu sm lain..byk lg nak crita yg penting jak la..kosh ni pminat big apple..wajib bli bla outg sy pun cheese jak dia ni smua..trutamanya chocolatechino...btul ka ni?jd sblum km bpisah blanja la dia big apple.pos brang pun kalut2 suruh blik awl kosh..klo x msti kita bleh mronggeng lg d ump ni..ko ni blik awl x ckp..skrg sy mnangis dh tulis blog msti jgn lupa pa yg tjadi ar..kita kwn smpai bila2..klo kwin ka jgn lupa jemput pun kan bgtau ko..hehe..kwin jak topik oo..
pantun tuk ko kosh..
kalau ada sumur di ladang,
boleh sy mnumpang mandi,
kalau ada umur yang panjang,
boleh kita berjumpa lagi..
kalau ada jarum yang patah,
jangan simpan di dalam peti,
kalau ada silap dan slah,
jangan di simpan di dalam hati..
gud lak kosh dlm hidup..nti kita pasti jump xtau bila.
Monday, November 10, 2008
release tension pas byk keja
mula2 hantar thesis dlu tuk di hardbound kan..susah hati mula2 takut kedai siap lambat.tapi good news la.lucky me.bleh siap rabu paling lambat pun jumaat.ok la tu..dorang siap hantar p UMP tu.harga sama ngan orang lain RM25 per 3X25=RM75..buat kira2 plak dah ni.layan tuan kedai tu saya bagi 9/10 la setakat ni..ok la tu kan.pastu sy p suruh nik hantar p farmasi bli ubat minyak vitamin E tuk gil..Cosmoderm..RM78 tuk 2 kotak..tuk pulihkan kesan parut..parut tanda cinta dia dgn bini bersalah plak sy.gil dpt parut sbb jatuh basikal on the way p psar malam gara2 nak bli nasi ayam n sate tuk bakal bini still hensem.jgn risau sy xlari.hehe
pas tu kami pun pegi east coast besa..dorg p sembahyang saya jalan the way ada benda nak buat sebenarnya di ECM ni.hehe..Hubi Gilbert bagi hadiah perfume sempena 1st gaji dia sebagai seorg product engineer..saya pilih vera wang princess...sayangnya dia dengan bini dia bukan bini lagi la..bini to be...seblum tu bg repot dlu kat mak..pasal thesis.pastu kna marah.."laki bini dua2 boros!" nah ambk ko..sapa suruh bg repot nak bli perfume mahal.huhu..kna sebiji dua2 chop boros..pastu kna marah plak oleh gil sbb bg repot tu.cakap salah x cakap salah.urm.cost perfume RM171.59 tp diskaun RM20..Dpat la RM 151.59.huhu..ada gift keychain.dia cakap original dari china..lawa la..huhu..thanx to gil..i love u so much..nanti klo sy dh keja sy blanja ko ko mo sy jgn la mahal..sbb nak kump duit kawin..hehe..
then kami pun p living cabin..ala gamba x sempat nk upload..byk sgt keja..lama kami d situ tuk cri hadiah.hadiah bday yuyu and supervisor..nak bodek skit..tah2 bleh gak dapat A-...A tu memang xdapat la..dia dah bgtau awl2..xpa la asl jgn B ke bwh...penat tau buat tu..cost hadiah RM40.30..
bli kertas mahjung tuk balut kotak htr p klang, papermate diana..pastu bli big apple tuk kosh n diana.big apple sy n kosh RM13.20..6 biji..hehe..4 kosh hbskan 2 sy mkan..xlarat nak mkn 3 sbb kenyang mkn kat zoom rider pas blik dari ecm..
p terminal bli tiket bllik klang RM26..pastu p giant bli talirafia ikat ktak n bli barang vanessa..cost RM1 tuk tali..mkn kat zoom rider RM16..chicken chop n ice lemon tea..sdp gak la..kenyang perut..sewa kreta n minyak RM9 sorang..
blik tengah malam celeb bday yuyu..hbs dia kna tepung oleh dalangnya nik..huh..kotor blik..huhu..
pagi ni kul 8.30am pos barang p klang.(thanx nathan sbb htr p pos gambang.nasib baik murah RM21 tuk 2 kotak yang berat hampir 20kg..ok la tu..
byknya gila duit hbs dlm masa 2 hari..huh..mmg boros la..bkn boros tu mmg dh cm tu..klo mak tau msti dia menjerit kat tlinga...huhu..xmo bgtau la nti kna ckp boros lg..huhu..2 hri hbs RM431..wah!!cam orang kaya tak besalh wei..huhu..
next blog upload gamba jalan2 la..huhu..
Sunday, November 2, 2008
LG F2500 change to Nokia 2600 classic
Nokia 2600 classic
What is the story behind the title?*sigh*...2days ago, I’m with nik, kak nisa and yuyu went to buy somethigs. I want to by handbag for LI but sold out already. So tpaksa bwhite eyes...Huhu...Then we hate lunch at kfc. While eating, my rumate vanessa called asked to buy keropok at sin kee but I’ve not enough money to do so. Then suddenly my phone was turnoff. No wonder because my phone low battery at the same time. Then after 10min I’ll try to switch it on but it is not as usually. After LG welcome then enter the pin code but it is on a black skrin.huhu...then I guess it is because of battery low but after reached room then I’ll charged it but still cannot open as usual. My phone rosak oredi ma..
3years jak bleh btahan..moral of the story do not dare to buy a LG F2500.lagi satu I’ll try to find the kedai tuk baiki my LG but all said it is so difficult to fixed it. I rasa my phone mrajuk to me because when I on call with my hubby always talked about to buy a new hp at the end of this year...huhu...
I can't live without hp...Huhu I was borrowed my rumate hp for 1night.then the next day, I ajak nik to buy a new hp because nik pakar dlm tawar menawar ni..budget below rm200..For sure I don't want to buy LG mobile phone...Huhu...1st place was Kuantan parade. Lots of Hp's Shop over there. The price is same as the boss is same. I searched for Nokia phone like my sis has Nokia 2600 classic. it so nice for me. Better than LG F2500...the price is RM230 paling murah at KP..but still searching yg lagi murah..
Then me n nik go to Teruntum..the last kedai we p..harga 1st the kedai can jual RM240..Then nik asked for RM230...the salesgirl said "xbleh..harga ni dah murah dah"..then she asked her boss the lower price also RM230..Then me n nik pun melangkah kaki keluar then last the boss said "RM225 la..."...”hah!!" lagi trus bli la tanpa pkir panjang..penat dh survey..hehe...
dgn bangganya ko bapa ada hp bru..hehe..then asked for money for sure..haha..
Me:apak ku dah meli hp baru baka nggau Anni...RM225...(bapak sy dah bli hp baru cm anni punya rm225..)
Apak:eh, mayuh gik duit dek neh..(wah banyak lagi duit ko..) Me:last ia ke tinggal ba bank nya..(paling la tu tinggal kat bank)
Apak:nti ku dah trima gaji ku ngirim ke dek gak..berapa ka dek?(kalo dah dapat gaji nanti sy kirim duit tuk ko la..berapa ko mo)
Me:mayuh trima dek?(banyak gaji bapak?)
Apak:nda mayuh,nadai mayuh keja ku bulan tu..mimit jak gaji..nda sampai RM3000...(xbyk sbb xda keja bulan ni..skit jak xsampai RM3000)
Me:Urmmm...RM300 jak la..(urmm..RM300 jak la)
Apak: ok..
24hours later..Jengjeng...RM500
Below is the picture old hp and new one...
lambat plak nak upload..nanti la ar upload..hehe..
3P xsiap gi..Final mula 5/11..urm... debit..Thanx apak..luv u..bapa memang slalu gitu..klo minta mesti bg extra..bapa yg sgt faham akan keperluan anaknya..hehe..
Monday, October 27, 2008
everything about saturday,sunday and today..
nothing to do even though lots of work to do. huhu...actually, i have an wedding invitation at rompin, at kampung org asli but i can't go there because of malas and lots of work again.. i felt so rugi coz didn' see how wedding culture of orang friend said that it is so wonderful and romantics wedding.the bridegroom was very superduper happy with the his best day.during the blessed by father Eugine, after he said the "you may kiss the bride",bridegroom kiss her bride with lots of romantics.i cannot believe when my friends said th bridegroom crying after the blessed done. romantics.i think it is so difficult to find the man like his. i was shocked because i only heard bride cried not the bridegroom.from the story of this wedding, for me the man show that she loved his bride so much.i want this kind of husband in my life..(att to gil)..hehe..forget about the wedding..
because of so boring (no car to jalan2, kosh plak balik,nik xda d blik), so i make a wise decision to go to church. because sunday no bus provided. i'm going there with my juniors, sita and the other girl i can't remember her name (i never ask actually).perut so lapar at 4pm i think, then they ajak me to go to kfc have a dinner..(awlnya)..i ordered burger alaskan(if i'm not mistaken)..boring with snack plate..hehe..after that go to watson,popular, and lowyat kuatan before go back to the churh..during our perjalanan to church there is someone who use mask like ZORO version malaysia make me so n my juniors so scared. he follewed us behind.not followed actually because he take something (tin and can i think) from bin. then i assumed that he so shamed what he do and used the mask to cover his is not the crime but why he used that mask..(thinking again).
then i founded the new short form PSM. it is stand for Projek Sarjana Muda actually but Billy said "Punca Saya Mengulang"..huhu..btul3x...most of students extend coz of PSM..electrical student pathetic.their panel so mr N***m during my PSM1's presentation..WTF..huhu ..
Farewell party for senior,huhu for me, Jina and Dorine also Alex.. baru semalam jak jadi 1st year student. i hope that everything gonna be ok.. after gathering, me and Lucy spended our money watched movie (Max Payne).1st watched movie with her.while waiting for the movie, we played at pusat hiburan..lots of game over there. we played race car..RM2 for the games..hehe..then Lucy invited me to sing a song at k box.but xjadi..
Today-buat 3P with aina. wah..banyaknya tak siap lagi..bila la nak habis.huhu..
can't wait to move to the new phase of life..
Friday, October 24, 2008
today is my mak bday..
at 9pm if i'm not mistaken, i was make a missed call (the action to make she rang me)..then tak sampai 1 minutes, she rang me.. i know she has free call for 1 week..(bli la celcom xpax,promote skit).. then chit chat... before me that 1 person called her for birthday wished.. guess who..gilbert sebastian (my hubby to be)... wah, beraninya hubby ni.. 1st time talked to his mother in law to be.hehe..before he talked with apak to tell that i'm hospital kena denggi..huhu..
okok..1.20 am.. time to stop blogging..
selamat ngintu hari pengada mak..arap ke nuan panjai umur, gayu guru nguan menua, bertuah belimpah lebih agi ari taun ke udah... love u...muacks!!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
jom laksa shack..
We went there coz of zera carving for that stuff. But for me, where to have eat it does not mind..huhu..(before that, me nik bought ink printer at lowyat, kuantan. If I’m not mistaken it was Friday evening (mmm..thinking). Many punk guys outside the Megamall make me and nik so uncomfortable. Then I told nik “nik, ko jak la drive, takut saya. Cari parking tadi pun berpeluh2..”
Ok2..About Laksa Shack.. It is next to pizza hutz (ya ka?).. Forgot already (it is to approve that I’m very jarang go to ECM.. hehe)
For sure these are the pictures (pantang ada camera). All the memories recorded used my camera (not my camera actually, my sis’s camera). Whatever, it’s also mine.. hehe..
this is what we ordered
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
it's all about today..
Monday, October 20, 2008
test is just around the conner
esk advance hydraulic.
4questions answer all...theory+calculation=overburden pressure.all chapter.
the next day is reinforcement concrete design
1question answer nothing(kalo btul kan best)...designing foundation..
there are 3 types of foundation..dunno which 1 for the test..
the next next day is project management in construction..
WBS, S-curve, arg...smua kuar
Sunday, October 19, 2008
1st time mblog..
tapi apa nak di tulis?
1st of all..
napa nm chagil dipilih..
cha=nm panggilan sy
gil=nm org yg sy cinta..hehe..
crta psal dri sy?takyah la..
wei..esk ada test advance hydraulics..huhu..soalan killer akn kuar la..
biarla..buat toyol tak bleh.lecturer garang..pa2 pun kna study gak